How to add or import Contacts to send a broadcast WhatsApp message template using Getgabs App?

Step 1 : Go to Whatsapp Book

Step 2 : To create a new contact list, click on +ADD and give it a name for your future references or if you already have a contact list, go to Step 3.

Step 3 : Now, to add/import contacts, click on ADD/VIEW LIST NUMBERS button in front of the contact list

Step 4 : Here, you two options, either add single contact or import contact from CSV or Excel Format
Step 4.1 : Adding single contact

Step 4.2 : Import Contact from CSV or XLXS Format
You can import maximum upto 1 Lakh (1,00,000) contacts in one contact list.
Download example CSV file format from here :
Simply add name in first column and mobile number along with country code ( i.e. 917877443544 ) in second column.

Kudos! you have successfully added contact list to broadcast template messages using Whatsapp Business API.